Today human beings are searching for answers for the simplest of questions when all they need is a little common sense.

It appears that the culture we live in today is inundated with individuals who seem to have the answer to everything we do from how to breathe correctly to how to die.  Human beings have been searching for answers since the beginning of time. But, the questions used to be more profound. Why am I here and what is my purpose?

  Over the years those questions have somehow become part of the back drop for a plethora of individuals who offer answers to an incredible host of mediocre concepts. Books and blogs that encompass subjects that heretofore simply needed a good dose of self-reflection have become common place. If you want to be happy, and who doesn’t, you can find at least a thousand books on the subject. The problem is that you simply can’t be happy all the time. We do need the contrast of other emotions. Sick of individuals that are hard to get along with? Just look up “toxic people” and you’ll find tons of material on how to get rid of them. It could be everyone you know or it just might be that you’re the toxic one! Now that revelation might help the rest of us.

 Can’t lose weight? Well we’re all aware of how many times have been written on that subject. Isn’t it interesting that the amount of diet books written have still not reduced obesity in America? We should all look like sticks. Relationships are a hot topic! How to find the right partner, how to train your partner to listen to you, and how to get rid of your partner seem to be quite popular. Want to be successful and be financially solvent? Well you can always find ten ways, thirty steps, fifteen things to avoid, and voila your life becomes easy and your bank account full.

   Loving yourself is a very hot topic. If you can get to the place where you’re totally in love with yourself, you could actually date yourself and not have to read the book on finding a soul mate. I guess I need lots of help in this area. I don’t always love or like myself. It depends on the barometric pressure, whether I’ve slept well, or if my arthritis is in check.

   What’s really missing is common sense. Only that’s too boring! Imagine if we all thought about what we’re doing and how it affected us and those around us? What would happen? We might actually be happier, lose weight, hang with decent people, find a like-minded partner and just maybe, we’d like ourselves a little better.

One Reply to “”

  1. seems to me we are taught to evaluate ourselves using the road maps of other people. No where in my past can I recall any training in how to please myself. Not till this last part of my life have I begun to ask, what do I most regret? it’s not the things I have done, it’s the things I haven’t..

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