Has consumerism become consuming?

How many times have you heard someone say “I just found this amazing silk jacket. It was only ninety-five dollars. I saw it last week for three hundred dollars. What a deal!

Now, let’s be real here. Is anyone naive enough to believe that the jacket was ever really worth three hundred dollars? No, it’s more than likely worth twenty dollars, since it probably came from a factory overseas where people make fifty cents an hour, if their lucky. You consider yourself fortunate to have found this “bargain” because you’ve saved money buying something you probably don’t need.

Shopping has become a national pastime and has ended up creating overtaxed credit cards and new job opportunities for people who know how to get rid of the excess stuff you bought and tired of. I can’t even imagine my grandmother or mother hiring a closet organizer or having a yard sale. In their generation, people weren’t pressured by modern marketing techniques that seduced them into always desiring something new and different.

We, on the other hand, are constantly bombarded every waking moment, with images of what’s new and exciting. How many times have you heard “You can’t have too many black pants”? When God speaks to you and throws lightning bolts into your closet? Or perhaps when your closet explodes and sends pieces of cloth throughout the house.

Of course, you have too many black pants. I know I probably have more than Jonny Cash did. The irony is that I find myself wearing the same ones over and over! In fact I can say that about a lot of my wardrobe. I really am considering going to a tailor and having them make me seven tops and pants in different colors. That would cut to the chase. No more pondering about which outfit or how it would fit since my weight has often influenced my clothing selections. As a result I could easily clothe a variety of body types. At this stage in my life it would be such a joy to slip on something I knew I could get over my head easily, that would embrace my chest without strangling it and would allow me some extra bloat at the end of the day. Being bloated seems to be an ongoing problem. I worry that someday I might end up looking like a large helium balloon.

Has consumerism become consuming? I feel that it has. But that’s just one women’s opinion. I tire of seeing commercials trying to make us feel as if we are missing out and sounds as if our lives will change miraculously if we buy ” IT”. No amount of clothing, potions, or creams can make us feel good for long. Our greatest path to well-being is about how we nurture our minds and bodies. You just can’t buy that!

One Reply to “”

  1. TRUE! We are now being called consmers instead of customers. Stuff does not create happiness. Thank you, off to create happiness! Happy Valentines Day, all. Giving gratitude not stuff this year and beyond.

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